Competence in Science and Instrumentation

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Foam Analyzer FA2

The properties of foams formed from a certain surfactant or polymer solution cannot be forecasted from knowing the solutions surface properties. Even knowledge on respective foam films is not sufficient to know in advance the final foam behavior. Therefore, a direct characterization of real foams is essential for many applications. The principle of the FA is different from all other existing foam instruments. Although the foam generation is made in a standard way by pressing gas into a solution through a porous glass frit, the analysis of the produced foam is different from other instruments. The FA has two sets of sensors for measuring foamability, stability and drainage, one being an electric conductivity and the other an optical sensor. For transient foams which are not very stable, the instrument provides mainly the foam volume as a function of injected gas volume. For very stable foams the application of a partial vacuum to the foam column accelerates the drainage and the foam breaks down. This strategy make a quantitative analysis of a foam possible which otherwise would be stable even over days.

Characterizes long time stable foams in a reasonable experimental time by using a particular procedure - the new pressure drop technique This is the only instrument for foam analysis based on the pressure drop technique developed by Kruglyakov, Exerowa and Khristov. The important feature is that due o the applied partial vacuum the foam in the measuring cells is essentially homogeneous over the whole foam column. In contrast to other measurement procedures, this is the prerequisite for a compare with characteristic data obtained for free foam films studied under exactly the same conditions (pressure, temperature).

Instrument parts

integrated foam generator in order to produce constant foams
integrated surface tension measurement by maximum bubble pressure method
foam drainage and life time cell with conductivity sensors
performs fully automatic experiments
includes automatic cleaning processes

Features of the instrument

study separately two major processes occurring in foams: foam drainage and foam stability under strictly defined conditions
measure the most important foam parameter in terms of foam stability and foam lifetime at constant capillary pressure in the liquid phase of the foam
distinguish foams from very small differences in their stability, i.e. distinguish between stabilizing ability of surfactants
produce foams of various dispersity and monitor the impact of dispersity on foam drainage and foam lifetime/stability
characterize a whole range of foams from low to extremely stable foams
simulate conditions in a foam similar to those in industrial foams
correlate foam with single foam film properties
monitor changes in foam dispersity occurring during an experiment
run express and very precise experiments

Technical Specifications

- Foam Stability
- Foam Drainage

Reduced pressure
0 ... 105 Pa
Min. volume test liquid
100 ml
Temperature operating range
10 – 50°C
Measurement temperature range
room temperature
Windows, free update over 1 year after purchase
Connection to PC
Size of device (LxWxH)
346 x 340 x 400 mm
5 kg
Power supply
100 … 240 AC; 50 … 60 Hz; 110 W
Max. power consumption  
35 W
SINTERFACE Technologies e.K
Müggelseedamm 70
12587 Berlin

+49 (0)30 23544406
+49 (0)30 23535716

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